
Sunday, September 10, 1995

Miscellaneous projects from College

During the same garage clean out where I found I bunch of old art projects that I had saved from high school, I found these little treasures that I had saved from college.

"Love" 12"x14" ink calligraphy and acrylic on paper

This was from a calligraphy class I took at the Salt Lake Community College.  I made the hearts from a stamp that I carved out of an old eraser.
These next two weren't connected to any kind of class I took in school.  Just stuff I did around that same time frame.  Even in the middle of painting these, I never thought they were "art" per say.  I was just playing around for fun.
"Nude Beach" 5"x7" acrylic on canvas
"Kiss" 5"x7" acrylic on canvas