
Monday, March 21, 2016

Hallie's Birth Day Blanket

Well, we didn't get much of a chance to celebrate Rachel's Birthday yesterday before we got the news that she would be sharing her birthday with Baby Hallie who decided to make her appearance into the world 6 weeks early!

It was a crazy morning, but I'm happy to announce Mom and baby are both doing well.  Hallie will be spending some time in the NICU until her little lungs and sucking reflex develop further, but she's doing amazingly well.

Even though her due date wasn't until May 4, I've had her blanket finished for a while.  I was happy to be able to give it to her on her actual birthday, especially since she has to spend so much time away from Mom in the NICU.  I wanted Mom to have something soft to snuggle when she can't hold her baby.

Hallie's Birth Day Blanket
Finished size: 2' 6" x 3' 3"
Inside size: 2' x 2' 9"
border is 3" on each side
This close up picture is a little blurry, but I think the effect makes it look like a watercolor painting.  The color on this yarn label was called "ice cream."  The yarn on this one is super soft.  It made it kind of difficult to work with, but resulted in an amazingly cuddly blanket.
Here is a close up of the border.  It wasn't until I was posting this picture that I realized I sewed the name tag on the wrong side.  The shell pattern in the body of the blanket is supposed to go the other way so if you turn the blanket so the shells are right side up, the label is upside down.  Oh well.  
Hallie Elaine Boynton
March 20, 2016
4 lbs 6 oz, 18" long
5/20/17 UPDATE:
Baby Hallie came home from the hospital after a month long stay and is doing great!  She likes her blanket.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Rachel's 10th Birthday Blanket

This is the blanket I made for Ms. Rachel.  She will be turning 10 on Sunday, March 20.  Mailing this blanket was kind of a big deal for me because it puts me past the point of no return.  Even if I don't finish all of the blankets for all the kids this year, I've at least committed to finishing 4 for this family and the word will be out that blankets are coming and the expectation will be set.  Kristin says I'm over analyzing things, but I can't help it.  I just don't want anyone to feel left out.

Pastel Granny Squares
61.5" x 38" with 5.5"of fringe on each side

Close up of big and little squares  I really like how this turned out, although I really don't think the pictures do it justice.
My name tag.
I've had this blanket finished for months. I'm excited to finally be wrapping it to mail.