
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Max and Sam

A co-worker of mine asked me to paint Gary Squares of her kids last summer.  I got them started right away, but life always seems to get too busy and this project quickly fell to the back burner.  As part of a New Year's Resolution I made to dedicate more time to art and personal improvement I decided to spend part of my day off of work yesterday finishing them up.

I gave them to my co-worker today and she seemed thrilled with the final result.  That makes me happy.

These are the original photos I had to work with.

16"x20" acrylic on canvas

16"x20" acrylic on canvas
My last Gary Square portrait  prompted the idea to improve my portrait skills by attempting to paint 100 faces.  If anyone is counting, these make numbers 3 and 4.  Only 96 more to go :).

Just as I side note, my favorite square on "Max" is the one that is third down from the top and second over from the left containing a little hair line and forehead, and my favorite square on "Sam" is the bottom left corner of the jacket.