
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

I decided that I would try again to muster up some Halloween spirit by painting a fun, festive image on our front window.  Last year's window introduced the world to the addition of our 3 new family members and I thought it was fun, so I decided to keep up the tradition by painting our 6 cats out playing in the pumpkin patch.  No people got represented this year, but let's face it, our lives are all about the cats anyway, so this is still pretty accurate :).

We also have a big family Halloween party that we host each year with soup, games, pumpkin carving, etc. and this the piñata that I made for the kids.  It was a pretty fast DIY project.  Al you need is a shoebox, an empty toilet paper roll, some colored paper and a black marker.  The kids loved it!

I feel like I should get some bonus decorating points for how amazing the fall colors in our back yard were during the party.

And... last, but not least, here is a little holiday update on the whole minion hat thing....

Riley, the kid who started it all dressed as a minion with his teacher dressed as Gru.

Me and Riley dressed as minions, with Kristin supporting the Day of the Dead.  Oddly enough, that was her required costume for work on Halloween and the face paint was done by a co-worker, so she didn't get to wear her minion hat.

Kristin's work goes all out for Halloween and each department decorates to a theme.  The décor in their area was pretty awesome!
I even helped by making the flags that hang above the alter.

If you look close you'll see that the yellow flags have skulls, the red flags say "DEAD" and the blue flags have pumpkins cut out.  It's kind of hard to see the blue with the black background, but the overall effect works.

Now... back to the minions :).
My cute niece and nephew, who occasionally play the role of my minions in real life :).

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