
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Auntie Claws

Well... tis the season.  Time to send out Christmas cards, which is something I've never actually done before  (I know, I suck).  This year, I decided to correct this horrible transgression by diving in head first and sending cards to everyone I know.  Kristin and I teamed up to come up with a Christmas Card idea that we thought reflected our lives and I drew our very first ever custom Christmas Card.

Isn't our little household cute?
This is me on the left with Kristin on the right in Santa hats with our 6 cats pulling the sleigh.  The cats are Annie (front left), Hellie (front right), Sparks (middle left), Mo (Middle right), Kitka (back left), and Trouble (back right).  Our Angel Sooty who died a few year's ago is pictured on the sleigh and I'm wearing a purple ribbon to remember my mom.

A little Photoshop magic turned the image into this for the final product.



We took a big risk confirming ourselves as Crazy Cat Ladies to everyone, but hey, we hang up all the pictures we get of everyone's kids screaming on Santa's lap, so they can hang up our little brood too right?
Besides, to people who know us well this won't come as any surprise.

Merry Christmas!

UPDATE (12/30/31):
Well, our first ever Christmas card effort was a success and we sent out over 100 cards!  We got many responses back from various people commenting on the card and saying how much they liked it which was really fun for me.  The best feedback however came from Kristin's 8 year old niece Arianna.  According to her mom she said that it was the best card she'd ever seen and even practiced drawing it herself.  Imitation really is the best flattery. I was honored!  Here is a picture that this little future artist drew of herself driving her own kitty sleigh.

Arianna's Sleigh
by Arianna Anderson, age 8
Nice job Arianna!  I LOVE your picture and can't wait to see more of your art work!  

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