
Monday, October 14, 2013

Minion Hat

Is handiwork art?  I'm declaring it so and adding my latest project to this blog.

Like a ton of kids right now, my 10 year old nephew is really into Despicable Me.  I decided to put my crocheting skills to the test and attempted to surprise him by making him a Minion hat.

I think the final result turned out pretty cute.

The hat started out as a one-eyed minion, and although Riley LOVED it, I thought it needed something else.

Silly kid

It was much better after adding a mouth and some blue trim around the bottom, but Riley decided that he wanted one with two eyes.  That worked out well for me because from the beginning I thought the eye was a little too big and considered replacing it.

Ta da!  The finished product.  The two smaller eyes were perfect and Riley loves his new hat.

From this top angle you can see the hair as well as the addition of the goggles in 3-D.

I've already had more requests for hats from some family and friends, so I'm working on a few more.  Stay tuned :).

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